上海,5月31日 —— 2024年国际即兴编程年夜会(ICLC)公共音乐会在上海的心脏地带——凯迪拉克·上海音乐厅昌大揭幕。在浩繁热忱不雅众的等候中,数百名荣幸儿取得了初次体验即兴编程这一前沿艺术的机遇。
图:Australia艺术家法式员Ben Swift与巴塞罗那视觉艺术家LXT和Beverley Edwards初次合作,在上海音乐厅的表演
音乐会的飞腾部门由韩国女性艺术家Dahee Park带来的即兴编程鼓点,她从零最先编程,揭示了国际视角和立异手艺的怪异魅力,令现场不雅众赞叹不已,直呼“太酷了!”
图:韩国艺术家Dahee Park在上海音乐厅的表演
图:艺术家IIze Briede & Hryso表演即兴编程(MOT Studio)
图:主办方负责人Eric Parren和Gottfried Haider揭幕致辞
为什么选择在上海举行这一嘉会?主办方上海纽约年夜学助理传授Eric Parren和Gottfried Haider暗示:“上海一向是前沿手艺和多元创意的国际年夜熔炉。我们很想领会即兴编码在中国和周边国度的成长状态。我们的另外一个方针也是将这类新奇的艺术情势介绍给上海布满活力的当地社区”。
颠末一年的精心准备,年夜会主办方结合65位专业国际评委会,历来自23个国度的82位申请者中遴选出30多个会议环节,包罗演讲、论文陈述、工作坊、音乐会和算法锐舞等多种情势。此中,备受赞誉的墨西哥艺术家伊万·阿布鲁(Ivan Abreu)和CNDSD不远万里专程亲临现场,带来他们的新作《Pre(N)atura》,一场由生成式人工智能和法式驱动的尝试性视听盛宴。这对艺术家组合曾以即兴编程作品《AUTO{}Construccion》荣获2023年Lumen Prize金奖。上海纽约年夜学交互媒体艺术专业助理传授Bogna Konior也在年夜会上颁发了题为“智能的暗中丛林理论”的大旨演讲,对人类与智能机械之间不竭演化的关系提出了深入看法。三天的勾当总计吸引了来自中国、美国、英国、德国、Australia、印度、韩国等国的600多位介入者,并召集了来自全球10个城市的卫星勾当同步举行。
图:国际闻名艺术家Ivan Abreu和CNDSD在上海纽约年夜学年夜会堂揭幕式表演新作(MOT Studio)
图:即兴编程工作坊 by Cameron Alexander(MOT Studio)
图:Australia籍埃塞俄比亚艺术家Fetle Wondimu Nega(Nū)带来的融会即兴编程和演唱的表演
6月1日,年夜会在布满活力的文化堆积地SYSTEM以一场别具一格的Algorave音乐会落下帷幕。Algorave是一种在跳舞布景下的现场编码表演,会聚了来自美国、英国、西班牙和上海本土的布景各别的艺术家们。音乐会现场人潮如织,代码与音视频的夹杂投影在舞台上残暴绽放,一个布满活力的数字艺术世界在不雅众面前徐徐睁开。美国艺术家R Tyler以其怪异的代码注释向不雅众致以问候,这一新奇的互动体例激发了现场阵阵喝彩和掌声。
Shanghai Shines as Host for 2024 International Conference on Live Coding
Shanghai, May 31st — The 2024 International Conference on Live Coding(ICLC) public concert kicked off with flair at the Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall, right in the heart of Shanghai. Among the eager crowd, hundreds of lucky attendees got their first taste of the avant-garde world of live coding.
As the lights dimmed, the stage transformed into a hub of innovation, devoid of traditional instruments or performers. Instead, several coders immersed in computer programming took center stage. Through intricately crafted code and cutting-edge technologies like generative artificial intelligence and modular synthesizers, they orchestrated a real-time spectacle for both the eyes and ears, delivering a fresh and exhilarating experience to the audience.
The highlight of the night was the live coded drum beats and synth stabs by South Korean artist Dahee Park. Writing the code of her performance from scratch in front of the audience, she showcased the international allure and innovative prowess of live coding, leaving the attendees in awe.
The preceding day saw the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Live Coding at the auditorium of New York University Shanghai, marking its inaugural landing in Asia. Live coding, a creative technique involving code modification during execution for real-time audiovisual feedback and audience interaction, has garnered a global community since its inception in 2003, exploring the fusion of performance art and interactive programming.
Since 2015, the International Conference on Live Coding has been held in various countries, dedicated to exploring the use of computer code as a live performance element, drawing experts from diverse fields worldwide.
Why Shanghai for this global event? Assistant Professors Eric Parren & Gottfried Haider from New York University Shanghai shared insights: "Shanghai is always a melting pot of technologies and ideas. We were curious to discover the state of live coding in China and neighboring countries. Introducing this novel art form to the vibrant local communities in Shanghai was another goal."
After meticulous planning, the conference organizers, alongside 65 professional international judges, curated over 30 conference sessions out of over 80 applications from 23 countries. These sessions, spanning keynote speeches, paper presentations, workshops, concerts, and an algorave. Among them, acclaimed Mexican artists Ivan Abreu and CNDSD traveled thousands of miles to present their new work Pre(N)atura in person, an experimental audio-visual feast driven by generative artificial intelligence and live coding. The artist duo was recently awarded the 2023 Lumen Prize Gold Medal for their live coding piece AUTO{}Construccion. Assistant Professor Bogna Konior from New York University Shanghai delivered a keynote speech titled "The Dark Forest Theory of Intelligence", offering unique insights into the evolving relationships between humans and intelligent machines.
The conference attracted more than 600 participants, across all its events, from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, India, South Korea, and beyond. Additionally, satellite events were organized in 10 cities globally.
Beyond academic discourse, the conference showcased the vibrant fusion of technology and culture through three public concerts across prominent venues. Twenty-seven international cross-disciplinary artists engaged with Chinese audiences, fostering an international exchange of technology, art, and culture.
The conference concluded on June 1st with a unique Algorave concert at the vibrant cultural hub SYSTEM. Artists from the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Shanghai delivered highly danceable live coding performances, captivating the audience with a brilliant mixture of code and audiovisual projections. American artist R Tyler greeted the audience with humorous code annotations, an interactive approach that sparked cheers and applause.
The 2024 International Conference on Live Coding isn't just about showcasing cutting-edge technology. It’s a celebration of cultural and artistic exchange. By pushing the boundaries of innovation, it has thrust Shanghai into the international spotlight of pioneering art, offering an unprecedented audiovisual experience to audiences worldwide.
原文网址: 科技与艺术的碰撞:2024国际即兴编程年夜会 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-868982.html